The Debate On In-Flight Calls

 In News, Travel

The Advisory Committee for Aviation Consumer Protection has asked the U.S. Department of Transportation to make a decision on whether in-flight calls on airplanes will be allowed.

“We recommend that if safe and secure… the Department of Transportation allow airlines to decide whether to permit passengers to use mobile devices for voice calls,” said panel chairman and Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane via USA Today.

The FCC and members of Federal agencies are in debate on whether The FCC should lift its 1991 ban on in-flight mobile phone calls. Others propose different hesitations such as flight attendants concerns that raise potential terrorism threats. As well as airplane passengers concerns of a noisy cabin, if in-flight calls were to be made legal.

USA Today reported that the controversial issue is dividing congress. Certain members of congress have reportedly threatened to introduce new legislation that will ban in-flight calls from ever being made.

The dispute stems from companies looking to grow their bottom line and increase profits by supplying airlines with special equipment to bill airline passengers for their phone calls on the duration of their flight.

No official timeline has been laid out regarding the decision on the whether or not to allow in-flight calls but remains possible in the near future.

However, last year the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee voted against the legalization of mobile calls on flights.

The United States wouldn’t be the first to allow in-flight calls. Currently, several foreign carriers permit in-flight phone calls, with the service required to be turned off within 250 miles of the U.S.




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